Welcome to the No Frills version of the Voltron hub. This is it. Just some writing, and a heck of a lot of links. Nothing else. From here you can reach every single piece of Voltron fanfic I've written and posted. As an aside, I absolutely suck at summarys so you may just want to read the fic and ignore my ramblings; fortunately, I suck even more at titles so, generally, the name of the fic encapsulates what it's about fairly well.

101 Uses: The new GG uniform has kneepads, and Lance is sure there must be a reason for them.

3 First Kisses: The first kiss only counts when it steals your breath away.

5 Things That Never Happened to Keith: Fun with modal reality.

7 Scenes That Might Have Been: It could be canon -- but it's probably not.

Acoustic #3 : Songfic based on Acoustic #3 by the Goo Goo Dolls.

The Adventures of Cocksucking!Keith: Keith never could resist scruffy men.
Part 2 by JoAnn
Part 3

All's Hallow Eve: Sartre was wrong. You don't need other people to be in hell.

Angel: Nothing is really as it seems.

Anniversary: Proof positive that Todesengel just sucks at sap.

Autumn: Hunk and Lance just don't play well together.

Bad Day : Lance is having the worst day of his life and it won't get better.

Better With Age : Sometimes, love doesn't go bad.

Birthday : This is what happens when you put off present shopping until the last minute.

Bound : Psycho!Sven really does love pain.

Breakthrough : It still hurts to break free of the atmosphere.

Broken Wings 1 2 3 4 5: It's a little bit about doing what's right, and a little bit about the falliability of man. But mostly it's about love.

Burnt : Keith blazes brightly, but briefly.

Catch : Based on Catch-22; Keith just wishes they'd land the plane.

Caught : Lance figures the only way to get Keith to love him is to handcuff him to the bed.

Clue : Keith's 'dead' and Hunk and Pidge are trying to figure out whodunit.

Cocktail : Hunk's just glad that everything will be over soon.

Cold : Scarf and gloves and this might be love.

Completely Different : Keith, Lance and the dawning realization that they don't have a clue.

Countdown : He's 30 today, and Lotor is counting down the days of his life.

Cowboy Diplomacy : The VF does Western.

Crack! : Sometimes all you really need is a good shagging.

Cry : 3-song songfic.

Day in the Life : Life as a member of the VF isn't all fun and games.

Death to Badfic! : Sometimes they just gotta be put down. Like Old Yeller.

Devil : The other side of Wingfic.

Downtime : There's nothing Keith hates more than downtime.

Driving Lessons : Keith never did learn how to drive.

En Mai : It's springtime in Paris.

Endings : It takes a true mercenary to capture a dream.

Exaggeration : 'Reports of my death were greatly exaggerated'.

F(x, y) : They look exactly the same, but it's only genetics.

Family, Dignity, Truth: Lotor used to have a brother, and he'd do anything to get his brother back.

Fascination : Zarkon, Keith, and it'll never be right again.

Fire : Sven and Lotor share a moment.

Fishing : Todesengel's really struggling for inspiration here.

Flashback : It doesn't take much to make Keith remember.

Fly : Addict!Keith-lite.

Fool Me Once... : Lance has fun on April 1st.

Funky Monkey : Hunk's carpe-ing the hell out of his diem.

Golem : Stump!fic, of a sort.

Grief : Carthesis.

Halloween : Full moon and Arus doesn't have wolves.

Hanukkah : Because Christmas gets all the attention.

Happily Ever After : Nobody every told Keith that this is how people die.

He : An exercise in perspective.

Home Ec : Some people just shouldn't be allowed into a kitchen.

Homebound : Sex and sometime Keith isn't a prudish as people think.

Human/Machine : Hunk is shy. Pidge isn't.

I Know : Keith, Lotor and somebody knows something.

In the Hallway : The VF takes a break.

It's So Crazy... : Pidge has watched too many Bond movies.

Just Wrong : Some things are just wrong.

Keep the Customer Satisfied : Simon and Garfunkel inspired sap.

Kismet : It may be fate, but sometimes fate needs a helping hand.

Kiss Me : This is the moment they've been waiting for.

l33t : Be careful of who you frag.
follow up by JoAnn.

Laundry : Domesticity never looked so good.

Little Red : In the original fairytale, nobody came to save Little Red.

Live Slow : 'Live slow and die old'.

Lost : Hunk won't ask why they didn't come sooner.

Mixed Signals : Lotor and Keith argue the relative benefits of Zero-G sex.

Movie Night : The art of misdirection.

No Regrets : Keith wanted a familiy, but who says familys require more than two?

O Captain : Based on the poem by Walt Whitman.

Out of Time : Crappy melodrama.

Peake Bay : Pidge ran away, but he told everyone where he was going first.

Pillow Talk : Hunk, Pidge, sap.

Pineapple : Keith always presses the issue.

PJs : Hunk has strange hang ups.

Planned Chaos : The best laid plans.

Purple : PIdge looks at the world in a different way.

PWP : Sex and a hot tub.

PWP Gone Bad : Aborted sex.

Rock : Hunk has always been a rock.

Room: Brief character analysis.

Sacrifice : Coran sees echoes of his past in Keith and Lance.

Scar Tissue : Life always leaves scars behind.

Shades of Grey : Spies and sex.

Shakes : PTSD.

Shattered : Keith can be an ass, too.

Shock : Keith just can't say no.

Sick : Keith is sick.

Sleep Deprived : Keith learns the hard way that love and work don't mix.

Slow and Steady :'Slow and steady wins the race'.

Smell of Rain : AU to St. Patrick's Day.

Something Sappy : Keith, Lance, and sap for forest.

Speechless : Song-fic.

St. Patrick's Day Arc

Star Wars Spoof : The title really says it all.

Stars : Pidge wishes the stars didn't shine quite so brightly tonight.

Survivors : Long-fic.

Sweet Prince : Sven and Lotor sap.

Tempus Fugit: Their lives weren't always focused on Voltron.

Terminus : It's all just an act.

Thing : Keith's got this thing.

Thrall : Companion piece to 'Fascination'.

Through the Looking Glass : Keith wakes up on the wrong side of the mirror.

Toto Corpore : There's no pity in Hunk's eyes.

Tracheotomy : Silliness.

Twisted : Oh it's just awful.

Twisted Fairytales : More silliness.

Un-light : It's just sex.

Unsaid : There are some things that never get said.

Unwell : Keith's not crazy.

Why Not? : Food and sex.

World's Apart : The world keeps ending.

You're a God : Song-fic.

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