It had been easier than he thought to get rid of the evidence. The cocoon was dumped into a back storeroom that nobody used, just in case, the fluid mopped up, and those stupid wings of his, well. Luckily he could flatten them without killing himself, and get his uniform over them, even though it wasn't exactly comfortable.

Hunk didn't really think about why he didn't just get them cut off -- it wasn't just the embarrassment factor; he was an idiot and should have known better to mess with someone who had |-|4gg4r for a moniker.

It was the look on Lance's face. The wonder, the interest, and the itching need to touch that the other man had inadvertently allowed past his mask of suspicious cynicism.

Maybe he couldn't fly.

But it looked like the wings might be useful for something else.

He caught Lance staring sometimes, more so after his run-in with |-|4gg4r than he had before. He felt eyes studying him -- tracing the line of his back, the almost unnoticeable bump his wings made against his shirt. Felt them probe his back when he wore his vest, trying to see what he had carefully hidden.

He took to wearing his bathrobe over his pants in his quarters – easy to yank on, if someone came calling, and that gave him precious time to stretch the kinks out of his wings. To feel the air, however stale, on them.

When Lance came to talk to him, he let the bathrobe slip off, let his wings be free – justifying that with the fact that Lance knew about the wings…

And watched as the words died in Lance's mouth, as his eyes trailed to those useless wings of his, as one hand involuntarily rose, and then froze in mid-air, a stricken expression crossing Lance's face.

Hunk caught the hand before it could fall. "Do you want to touch?"

Lance flushed, but nodded, and let Hunk move his hand to his wing. Turning around, Hunk let Lance's fingers trail over the edge of the wing, shivers chasing down his spine at the light touch. Cock hardening, stretching the fabric of his pants, Hunk let himself pant silently as slender fingers trailed over the delicate bones and fragile skin of his useless wings.

Lance's voice, uncharacteristically quiet and awed, broke into his absorption with the touch of his fingers. "What does it feel like?"

Hunk swallowed, wings trembling, cock throbbing, and managed to find a voice, hoarse though it was. "Incredible. Sometimes, I go to the forest by myself, and let them feel the sunlight and the wind… and I wish, then that they were large enough to hold my weight… no matter how much trouble that would give me…" And then he had to suck in a trembling breath, because Lance's hands had slipped against the narrow strip of skin between his wings, and he had never thought anything could feel like that…

Which, apparently, was one breath too much. Those maddening fingers withdrew, and he couldn't bear to turn around. He could hear Lance gulp from behind him, could feel the uncertainty from him, and he did not want to see it. Didn't want to watch as it turned into disgust.


Hunk bit his lip, and wrestled his voice into control. "Yeah?"

"Do you want this?" Those words were not near enough warning for the feel of the slick roughness of Lance's tongue against the leading edge of his wings, for the brush of his slightly chapped lips and the heat of breath against fragile membranes.

One brief touch, and then nothing – Hunk whirled around, hand reaching only air, as Lance backed uncertainly away from him.

"Hunk! I—are you just –"

His wing seemed to burn as the saliva cooled on it, and Hunk shot forward, burrowing his hands against Lance's clothing, stripping him easily even as he stoppered that tormenting mouth with his own.

The next few moments were a flurry of movements to become as naked as possible, to feel skin against skin, tongues entwining, fingers pressing against flesh, the wind from Hunk's erratically beating wings cooling the sweat on them, heightening sensation. Cock pressed against cock, hips rubbed against each other, and then Lance's fingers slide against his wings, rubbing softly and then trailing the blunted edge of his nails against them –

And the world exploded; Hunk was vaguely aware of Lance convulsing under him as well, the feel of spunk spreading between them, and Lance's fingers shaking against the under side of his wings.

Slumping down onto Lance, head buried in the crook of Lance's shoulder, Hunk slowly became more aware. "Ah…" Encouraged by the way those slender hands clung to the skin of his back, Hunk carefully lifted his head, to meet Lance's eyes. "I like you?"

For a moment, he thought Lance would pull away, would pull his mask down between them. Instead, his thin lips smirked, and his hands tightened. "Good. I like you, too." Gently lifting a finger to follow a pulsing artery's path in his wing, Lance shifted his hips to accommodate Hunk's helplessly lifting erection. "I'm glad you kept these."

Hunk whimpered, and gave himself up to the touch.

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