why Not?

"How can you eat that?"

Hunk looked up from his lunch at the sudden remark, staring at his unexpected visitor in confusion. He took in the jet black hair, each strand perfectly combed back, the cool blue eyes that gazed at everything with unshakeable calm, and the sleek black outfit, and felt his throat constrict with the same desire that had always plagued him around the beautiful pilot. Hunk swallowed hard, forcing himself to relax from the instinctive tensing he always went through every time Sven entered the same room as him.

"What?" he managed to get out in an only mildly trembling voice.

"That...that...thing in your hand." Sven pushed away from the door where he had been leaning, lithe body smoothly moving away from the portal and towards the kitchen island where Hunk stood. "I saw what you put into it. You shouldn't eat it."

Hunk looked down at his sandwich than up at Sven, caught somewhere between devastation and anger. "Why not? What's so wrong with chicken and bamboo shoots?" he asked defensively.

"Nothing, if you're part panda." Sven smirked and hopped up onto the stainless steel counter beside Hunk's lunch. He shook his head fondly. "I mean, I know that you eat weird stuff, but bamboo shoots and chicken?"

Sven smiled at the expression on Hunk's face. There was something about the large mechanic that appealed to the thinner pilot; something about the way he moved, the way he acted, the kindness and openness that was so rare in one so deeply involved with death like they were. He loved spending time with Hunk, just the two of them in playful camaraderie. The feelings he bore for Hunk were deeper than that which he felt for his other friends. They were tender and gentle, sworn to maintain Hunk's happiness, to comfort him when he needed it. In fact, if Sven hadn't known that he was straight, he would almost say that he had a crush on Hunk.

"Oh, right, like you're one to talk, Mr. 'I put O.J on my cereal'," Hunk replied good-naturedly. "C'mon, where's your sense of adventure? It tastes pretty good, you know."

"No thanks, I get enough adventure as is. Besides, I'm not--"

Sven was cut off as Hunk pushed a piece of the sandwich into his mouth. Time seemed to freeze for the Swede as he gazed down at his companion, blue eyes locking with brown. The world around him faded away, disappearing like a hazy dream until all that was left was Hunk and himself; and how clear those two things were! He could feel the pounding of his heart, feel every inch of his skin as it tingled in response to his nearness to Hunk. And how close he was. Every detail of Hunk stood out starkly before him, every wonderful line and curve of his face. He could see the minute lines starting to form around those deep brown eyes, see the shine of the light on his hair, taste the very essence that was Hunk from the fingers placed within his mouth.

And it tasted wonderful.

Too good, in fact. It called to something buried deep within his soul, something that he recognized only late at night, when he lay in bed with Romelle and longed for the arms of another. It was a secret that he had fought hard to keep away from himself.

But at the sudden intrusion of Hunk's fingers, at their dreadful proximity, so close and so alone, he could keep it secret no longer. The dark part of him took over, overwhelming him and changing him, spurring him to take this chance for it would never come again.

Sven swallowed hard, his throat suddenly dry, and sucked on the fingers that had been placed into his mouth, feeling reckless now. He swirled his tongue around them, caressed them, loved them.

Hunk, for his part, stared up in amazement, barely able to believe that this was truly happening. This had to be a dream, for only in his dreams did Hunk ever dare to hope that Sven might desire him.

And yet it was better than any dream he had ever had, felt better than any dream he had ever had.

He pulled his fingers slowly from Sven's mouth, despite the moan of disappointment that marked their departure. Instead, Hunk reached up and captured Sven's head in his hands, pulling down the dark head to his own and kissing him hard, demanding, wanting to get as much out of this waking dream as he could.

He pressed his tongue against Sven's perfect lips, sighing softly as those lips parted and he could probe the warm, inviting crevices of Sven's mouth. It felt so good, so right.

Sven pulled Hunk towards him, lying down onto the cold, hard counter, tugging at the clothes that kept him from feeling Hunk's skin, only vaguely aware that Hunk fumbled with his own clothing until the rough touch of Hunk's hands on his skin made him whimper and cry out for more.

Hunk pulled away, gazing down in wonder at the silken hard body before him, running his hands gently over the white expanse, caressing the hard muscles before returning to Sven's mouth, silencing the whimpering, begging noises emanating from the writhing boy. He kissed the soft skin, nipped and sucked, left Sven quivering with need and scrambling for something to grab, as Hunk touched places that he had never imagined could be so sensitive, so wonderful.

And then it was over, and Sven lay on the cold steel, which was only getting colder from his sweat, staring down at wonder at Hunk, one hand running idly through the dark curls that adorned his lover's head.

"That was...wonderful, Hunk," Sven whispered, voice almost raw from his cries of pleasure. "I...wow."

Hunk smiled up, pleased at the words of praise from his friend. "Thank you."

Sven shook his head, sliding down off the counter to grab another kiss and wrap himself in Hunk's strong arms. "You know, I never knew a spoon could be used that way."

Hunk just chuckled and kissed him again.

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