"Watch it. You're in dangerous territory now."
A sigh. "Hunk, don't you think I know that?"
A shrug. "Well, knowing you..."
"Oh come on. It's Keith. I won't fuck up. Look, did you get the straws?"
"Yep. I got two of them." The little plastic tubes are put down. A large form hovers. "Are you sure you're doing it right?"
"Yes I'm sure. It says right here: 'Take the razor blade and make a half-inch incision'."
"That doesn't look like a half-inch incision." Doubt begins to creep in.
"Well it is! Now hand me that--oops." The red liquid bubbles up, pours over pale hands and stains pale shirts. "Damn it. That's going to be a bitch to get out."
"Good job, Lance." Sarcasm is heavy in Hunk's voice. "Great work there. I told you you should have let me do it! Now you've gone and killed another one."
A shrug. "Well, practice makes perfect. Pass me that one."
And from his hospital bed, Keith sweat dropped as Lance picked up another grape juice box. "Um, guys? You do know that you can just punch the straw in through the foil, right?"
Lance glared at his immobilized friend. "Shh. This is a very delicate operation!"
Keith sighed and reached for his water.
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