A PWP Gone Bad

Pidge grinned devilishly at Hunk, and paced about the bound boy, enjoying his handiwork. It hadn't been hard getting Hunk into this position--his large lover had a real kinky streak to him. Still, it was really Hunk's fault. After all, what had he been expecting when he hid those handcuffs in Pidge's tool box? A bit of cuddling and general necking. Not very likely.

Tapping his riding crop against his leg--now that had taken some finagling; who would've thought that Nanny, of all people, kept a riding crop in her closet?--Pidge bent down low, the gloss from his Blowjob Red (tm) lipstick--

Pidge: Hold it.

Todesengel: *blink blink* What?

Pidge: Lipstick?

Todesengel: What's so bad about lipstick?

Pidge: Well, firstly, it makes me look like a girl. Secondly, I really object to the name you've given to this particularly atrocious shade. Thirdly, I'm beginning to think that this isn't really lipstick.

Todesengel: The first two I can understand. But the third? What makes you think that this isn't really lipstick?

Pidge: Because I'm fairly certain that it's not going to come off. And if it really is lipstick, then I want you to explain to me why is lipstick so hard to get off of your face.

Todesengel: Well, I've never actually worn lipstick so--

Hunk: Hey, as long as we're requesting changes, can I ask that you not use the straps? Or at least let me lose the leather corset? I can't breathe in this stupid top.

Todesengel: But you look so damn sexy all trussed up like that. Sorta like one of those pigs they have hanging in the windows in Chinatown. Mmm...Barbecued spare ribs...Damn it, now I'm hungry!

Hunk: Okay, Todesengel, can we try to keep your kinky food-sex things out of this? Because of you I can no longer eat oatmeal. Besides, it doesn't change the fact that I look like a fucking pig.

Todesengel: Actually, you look more like a trussed up pig. In order to look like a fucking pig you need to actually be fucking.

Hunk: Big difference. Can I lose the corset now?

Pidge: Oh, and what about the whole whipping thing. Do we really have to use blood?

Hunk: Yeah. 'Cause I think that this damn blood has stained my skin.

Todesengel: Would you rather I actually had Pidge whip you until you really bled? Because I could that. I really could.

Hunk: Look, I'm not complaining about the use of fake blood. I'm just complaining about the use of this particular brand of fake blood. Anything that doesn't go away after three days of scrubbing is permanent.

Pidge: Or you could be scrubbing too hard.

Hunk: Whatever. Actually, do we even have to do this? Can't we have a nice, happy sex scene?

Todesengel: No. No way. The fake blood thing I could forgive. The corset I could let go. Even the Blowjob Red (tm) lipstick could be struck. But having a bondage scene is integral to my vision! Hell, the bondage angle is, basically, the whole story!

Pidge: If that's the case, then I think you're going to have to do without me and Hunk.

Hunk: Yeah. There is nowhere in our contract that says we have to participate in bondage. [Pidge releases Hunk from the straps and Hunk stands.]

Pidge: If you need us, we'll be in our trailer.

Hunk: Practicing good old fashioned anal sex. [They exit.]

Todesengel: *sighs* I knew that I should have gotten Keith and Lance to do this.

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