first kisses

Keith's first kiss had been something that he spent the rest of his life trying to forget. It happened in a club, after a long work day and too much alcohol. The girl's lips had been too damp and had roamed and she'd been a total stranger, but she'd been okay in the flashing darkness of the dance floor where they had been thrown together by the crush of sweating bodies gyrating to bad techno music. She had rubbed her breasts up against him and leaned in and so Keith had thought, Why not? It had been brief and unpleasant and for the next couple of days Keith had tried to scrape the feeling of her lips off of his.

The second time Keith was had his first kiss, he was older and less drunk and he'd actually known the girl for a while. They'd gone out on a couple of dates and he'd held her hand when they walked. It had been sweet, and a little chaste, and Keith counted this one as his first kiss because things you did when you were drunk didn't count. He hadn't frenched her, just pressed his lips lightly against hers and applied a little pressure and closed his eyes.

Keith's third first kiss hadn't been chaste or sweet or bad or strange. It had been hard and fierce and tainted with blood, a kiss dropped in passing on the way from the mouth to the neck and further down. He had been pressed up against a wall in the castle's crypt, Sven's surprisingly large hands holding his wrists together, pinning him to the rough-hewn stone. He had bitten his lip--or Sven had--and blood oozed slowly across his lips, but he hadn't cared because Sven had pulled his pants down and opened up his shirt and Keith had wrapped his legs around Sven's body and it had felt so right. Hard and dirty and sober, a flat, smooth chest rubbing against his, his neck burning from the sandpaper of Sven's stubble. He had moved with Sven, undulating his hips, not caring about the wall behind him, wanting only more contact. And when he came with Sven, gasping, heart pounding, he had pulled Sven's head up and latched his lips against Sven's. And he wondered if he had ever been kissed before.

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