
The computer hummed in the darkness, a blue light flickering to illume activities better suited to the dark surroundings. Blue light on a pale face--a cherub's face, and that alone should have been warning enough that dark thoughts lurked beneath the innocent's guise. Who ever heard of an innocent soldier?

"Is everything ready?"

"Yes, Master."

"Good. How soon?"

"Give me two, three days."

"Excellent. You have served me well. You're reward will be handsome indeed."

A cruel laugh. Shivers run down the spine, memories of other times when the laughter had been heard. The chills are chased by the assurance that this time the laugh is directed at the others, that no harm will befall the fragile flesh.

"I'm proud of you, my protege."

Bow the head. Better to appear humble and not even tempt his ire. He may love, in his own strange way, but better safe than in pain. Though what could be done from this distance? But he always seemed almost omnipotent. No telling what he would decide to do.

"My gratitude knows no bounds. Master...there's a small problem."


"One of them is beginning to suspect."

"Terminate him."

Terse command, made with no thought that it will be ignored. Of course it won't be. His loyalty is secure.

"Of course."

Should there be tears now? After all, they'd been fucking for almost six months. And 'friends' even longer. No. No tears. There was no room for friendship now; Lotor forces everything else away. But that's not so large a loss, for Lotor can create feelings that are beyond ecstasy. Beyond joy.

"Three days, then. Don't fail me."

The screen shuts down with a slow whine, after every trace of this illicit use has been erased. Time to change again. Return to the 'purer' form. Strange. Being 'good' feels no better than being 'bad'; there's nothing particularly rewarding about it, nor anything that could really be said to differentiate between the two alignments. So why is so much store put by it?

* * *


Sleepy voice. Shaken from the depths of slumber by small, slight form climbing into the shared bed. Should have been more awake. More alert. First thing they teach at the Academy: never become complacent.


"Where have you been?"

"No where important. I took a quick stroll around the gardens."

Plausible lie. That's the second rule: always have an inch of truth for every foot. Of course he wouldn't know that. Wrong Academy.


A large yawn, a gaping, baring of the teeth, an exhalation of breath fouled by sleep. Nose wrinkles in protest. Want to turn away, can't quite remember how this whole situation happened in the first place. How can there be attraction to one so...large? One so bestially hairy and glutted with rich, foul food. He's nothing like slim Lotor.

"So, when are you going to tell me who you're secretly contacting?"

"No. I can think of more interesting things to do."

The inviting smile is returned by an excited grin. Hunk turns, snuggles close. Fool. He invites his death. He cuddles the illusion, believing this guise to be safe, believing it to be harmless. How could he know that he sleeps with a snake? He believes in "Pidge", trusts his younger lover. The blind faith could almost be pitied.


Still, it is a pity to kill such a one. He is a most skilled lover. Perhaps it is good that he is so insatiable. The small pinprick in won't be felt in his excitement. The poison will work quickly, spread through the large body quickly as the blood rushes in impassioned haste--he'll be dead by morning. He kills himself, really.

He does.

He should have known to never trust so guileless a face.

* * *

Ahh, the mourning pall. A sweeter sensation has yet to be tasted.

"I can't believe Hunk's heart would just give out like that."

Of course it wouldn't Keith. You should know that. But grief clouds your thinking. This is why you shouldn't have friends. They impair your judgment.

"I'm so sorry Pidge."

"Thank you, Allura. It--it--I'm sorry. I can't help myself."

Yes, the sobs and crocodile tears should appease her 'sensitive soul'. What does Lotor see in her anyway? There are more appetizing lovers to be had than this milk sop of a chitling. Still, some appearances should be kept. Disguise the laughter as sobs. That's to be expected.

Now. While they're all distracted. The opportune time. Perhaps Hunk should have died anyway. There is no better time to catch them all off-guard than when they're mourning. Time to bring out the heavy artillery. Those puny lasers won't do the trick. Something stronger is needed.

"Excuse me. I'd like you all to place your hands on your heads now."


Yes, yes, act confused Lance. Out of all of them, you were probably the only one suspicious enough to bring a weapon. Commendable. Really.

"Hands on your head. And give me the laser, Lance."

"Pidge, what the hell do you think you're doing?"

"Something that I've been aching to do for a long time. Now, we're going to go for a little trip, so I'd appreciate it if you'd keep your comments down to a minimum and head on over to the docking bay."

"Pidge, I know that you're upset--"

There is no sound so satisfying as the heavy, meaty thud of a large pipe hitting flesh. Oops. Probably shouldn't have hit hard enough to break the bone. Ahh well. Keith can still walk.

"Nope. Not upset. Ecstatic, would probably be better. I've been gone for a long time. It will be good to return home."

Not so mighty now are we, Keith? Not with a broken arm and a situation you can't control.

"Why are you being so polite?"

"Well, you would only respond by trying to hurt me if I ordered you somewhere. Besides, I heard somewhere that kindness and a gun go farther than kindness alone. I guess they were right."

* * *

"You have done well, Tienshi."

Another shiver down the spine, this time in pleasure. Ahh it feels so good to hear his voice again, hear his praise. The surprise on their faces at seeing 'young, innocent, harmless Pidge' curled up at Lotor's feet is only an added bonus.

"Thank you Master."


Poor, poor Lance. Bet you're chewing yourself out right now. Bet you're telling yourself 'I should have known. I should have known'. Well, you should feel lucky. At least you're not dead like Hunk.

"You couldn't possibly have believed that my real name was Pidge. Who names their child that anyway?"

"How could you? How could you betray us so?"

"Easy. You annoyed me."

You look like a fish, Allura, with your mouth opening and closing like that.

"Now, my precious one, chose your reward."

"There is no reward greater than that of serving you, Master. Than knowing that you love me so."

Total sincerity there, too. Perhaps there had been a time when this obedience had been feigned, but a long absence and tiring stay in the presence of these twits does wonders for loyalty and devotion. Besides, Lotor is as akin to a God as will ever walk the mortal plane.

"Tienshi, surely there is something more that you desire. Your freedom. One of those two."

"No, Master. If freedom means an absence from you, than I would prefer this pleasant servitude."

"So be it."

'His kisses are sweet like wine'. A line someone said--sang?--sometime. Strange that it pops up now. Well, not really. His kisses are as 'sweet as wine' and just as intoxicating. And his touches burn with a fiery passion, a dark purity.

In them, I am home.

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