a silly little thing

It was Friday night on Arus. Which, for lack of deccent clubs, meant movie night at the Castle of Lions, and this week it was Allura's turn to choose the movie. Being a young female who had just discovered the joys of Terran DVD's, she immedeately chose 'Titanic'. Mostly for the giant ship on the front. She had a thing for large, metallic objects. And, being the princess, could use her royal perogatives to ensure that it was watched. So, despite the objections of the male memebers of the Force, the five of them were now seated around the gigantic telvision, watching 'Titanic'.

Keith and Lance had claimed the love-seat (which was, oddly enough, the only couch like object in the room) early on--Lance justifing this by stating that it was the best piece of furniture for sleeping on, and Keith exercising his leadership rights. This left Hunk, Pidge and Allura stretched out on the carpeted floor, trying to avoid Hunk's...snacks. Although, really, it was more like a small diner than a snack.

Pidge had passed out from sheer boredom half an hour into the film. Allura was completely entrhalled, eyes wide and relfecting the images on the screen. Which left Hunk all alone with his food and bored out of gourd. He was too involved in eating to fall asleep. Which said something about his stomach.

Left without any other source of entertainment, Hunk turned his attention to the noises eminating from the couch. And they were very interesting noises indeed.

"What are you doing?" Keith's voice was soft.


"What's your hand doing down there?"

"Nothing!" Lance replied indigently.

"Oh really?"


"Right. Like I believe you. Hey!"


"Get your hand out from there!"


"Because you are not supposed to be touching that!"

"Aww, come on. Can't I just have a little feel?"



"No! Lance, the last time you touched it, we ended up with a rather
ebmarssaing accident."

"I proimse it won't happen again. You can trust me. Really."


"Keith, come on. Give it up."

"No." Keith sighed a frustrated sigh. "Lance, get your hand away from there. I swear, you are addicted to this thing."

"But it's so big...and fun to play with..."

"Fine. But just this once."

"Mmm. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Oh God..."

Hunk whirled around, a disgusted expression on his face. "Guys! If you must do that sort of thing, do it in your bedroom."

Keith and Lance looked at Hunk in confusion, one of Lance's hand underneath the blanket draped over their legs. Keith shrugged. "All right." He stood, holding a Furby (tm) in his hands and walked toward the door. "Come on Lance."

Lance follwed, a begging expresison on his face. "Keith, can I carry it?"

Keith sighed. "Fine, but you had better not break this one. I can't get another one in time for my neice's birthday."

Hunk stared after them, then gave a disgusted snort and turned back to his food.

Feed Todesengel