slow and steady

"Faster," Sven snarls. His nails leave shallow furrows in Keith's back. He looks particularly demonic right now, eyes wild with need, hair clumping from sweat. There's nothing handsome about him right now and Keith loves that. Sven rolls his hips, tries to get Keith to move. "Fuck. Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck!"

"Slow and steady wins the race," Keith pants out. He pulls back, leaving just his tip inside Sven. The room is painfully cold after Sven's heat, but Keith doesn't alter his slow, smooth pace. Sven moans beneath him and pulls Keith down until their slick chests glide against each other in wonderful agony. Sven bites down on Keith's shoulder. It's hard enough to draw blood but the pain only makes the sex better. Keith pushes himself up just enough to be able to look Sven in the eye without their noses touching. He kisses Sven, bites down on Sven's lower lip and there's a sharp burst of pleasure.

"Not a race. Fucker," Sven mumbles. He tries to speed up again, but Keith won't let him. Keith controls the pace here just as he does on the battlefield. But that's there, where speed is all that matters and everything is chaos and confusion and being able to fly fast and react faster saves lives. Here in the bedroom, Keith insists upon a leisurely pace, taking his time so that Sven is deliciously tortured.

"Better this way." Keith is trembling and Sven knows that it's not just from having to hold back. Sven bites Keith again, but gentler, nipping at the soft flesh of Keith's neck. He licks Keith and tastes fear and exhaustion.

"Fuck me." Sven lets Keith set the pace, gives in to the slow, honey-like quality of sex with Keith.

When he comes, he sees red and white and black and colors that he can't name. He can only vaguely feel the world around him, and is only partially aware of the fact that Keith has collapsed onto Sven's chest. All that Sven knows is that he is warmth. He is happiness. He is still wishing they could have fucked a little bit faster so maybe he could see straight.

Keith smiles happily and swipes his tongue across Sven's chest, tasting sweat and cum and pleasure. He rolls off of Sven and snuggles close and lets a happy little purr fill his body with pleasant vibrations.

"Slow and steady, huh?" Sven's breathing is evening out and he yawns as he speaks.

Keith kisses him and yawns with his tongue curling up. "Yup."

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