human/machine "No," Hunk said. "Stop." And Pidge backed away, confused. "Hunk?" "I." Hunk looked away, blushed. His hand came up, curled protectively over the pale scar on his belly. "Please. Not there." "Oh." Pidge looked down, wondered if this was, perhaps, a strange new form of rejection. But it couldn't be because Hunk was still hard. "Why?" "I just. I can't." Hunk's blush intensified and for a moment Pidge thought that that was it. But then Hunk looked up, defiance in his eyes; he moved his hand away, slowly. "That's where the machine starts." "Oh," Pidge said and that was the only word he could find. Hunk nodded slowly, looking like he had expected this, and reached for his clothes. "Wait." Hunk paused, and the hand came back down to cover the scar. Pidge stepped forward, until he was between Hunk's still open legs. He touched Hunk's body, and it felt real; it felt warm and soft and hard in all the right places. He looked up, into Hunk's eyes, touched Hunk's cheek where the blush still stained it a subtle rose, and if Hunk's cheek was perhaps softer, than his belly, well, that was to be expected. "Does it hurt?" Hunk shook his head, slightly. Pidge nodded, and leaned further forward, planted soft kisses on Hunk's belly, working his way slowly down. "Can you feel this?" he whispered, and Hunk shivered in response. He wrapped one hand around Hunk's cock, stroked it slowly, and Hunk groaned in response. He bent down, flicked his tongue lightly across the slit. Hunk gasped and his hands came up to grab Pidge's head, pull him down. "And this?" "P-Pidge. Ah!" Hunk thrust up a little and then seemed to pull himself together. He pushed Pidge away. "It's not right. I'm not real man." "You feel real to me," Pidge said and he licked Hunk's shaft, swirled his tongue over the head of Hunk's cock until Hunk stopped trembling with the effort of not thrusting up and just trembled instead. "Taste real. Your blush is real." "I'm just a machine." Hunk tried to push Pidge away again, but with less force. Pidge looked back up into Hunk's eyes, wrapped his hand around Hunk's cock and smiled again. "Aren't we all?" |