Because, quite frankly, I have a mind that ventures places where the sane would fear to tread. Keith: He's certifiable. Really, he is. Snippet: The battle was done, the war was over, but still the two monarchs dueled. The bloody field, strewn now with corpses from both armies, rang with the sound of their clashing swords. From a nearby fort, the five-year old princess Allura watched the fight, child's face twisted in confusion. She knew both fighters, been bounced on both their knees. They were her fathers, though only one was biological. She looked up at her chancellor, tugging on the long flowing robe. "Coran, why are my daddies fighting?" Coran sighed and scooped the young heir up. "Come Allura. We must go now." He did not want the young princess to see the end, to see what must inevitably happen. The Doom king was sure to win, his greater endurance enabling him to keep fighting long after the Arusian monarch. But, either way, Coran did not want Allura to see either father die. *** Even as Coran and Allura left the battle field, the rulers duel was drawing to a close. King Alfor was weakening, and quickly. His body could no longer keep up with Zarkon's strikes. His breath came in panting gasps, his arms were numb from the vibrations of each ringing stroke. Even as he rallied his strength for one last salvo, he knew it was too late, for Zarkon's sword slipped past his guard and into his ribs. And it hurt so much. Much more than it should have. Alfor fell to his knees, clutching the handle that stuck from his chest, face contorted in pain, in betrayal. "Zarkon...why?" he gasped. "Why did you...betray I...I thought you...loved me..." Zarkon knelt by his dying lover, a solemn expression on his face. "I'm sorry Alfor, love, but I did warn you." "I...I don't...understand." "I distinctly remember telling you that if you stole the blankets one more time I would have to kill you. And so, I have." -End snippet And its companion: ================ I wanted to be buried at sea, set adrift in a flamming ship with my treasures piled around me. So it was an elaborate ending, but I was the overlord of an entire planet. Surely I'm allowed some elaborate fantasies? My death was supposed to be an elaborate affair. Coran and Allura would be gathered around my bed, eyes red with weeping. The entire planet would be draped in black, the wails of the mourners sending flocks of birds flying into the azure sky to add their raucous voices to the din. My deeds would be recorded in the annuls of our people. There would be a long period before Allura would recover from this loss, but then she would pull through and lead Arus to a Golden age, always crediting me with her success. Sometimes in these dreams, he would be there, tears tracking down his aged cheeks. Sometimes, he would hold my hand as I died. He would whiper how much he loved me, over and over, voice comforting me as I died. He would never die before me; I always knew that he would outlive me. I just never knew that this would be the reason. I would die in my bed, a gentle, regal death, one that befit my position. I would die quietly. I would die peacefully. I would die with dignity, damn it! Not like this. Never like this. What dignity is there in this battle? What honor is there to die here on this field of blood, along with the rest of these soldiers? How will I find peace when he is the one who does me in? I didn't want to die like this! I thought you loved me. I thought you would always be there for me. How can you look at me, how can you kill me if you love me? How can you run your sword through me? If I must die, why didn't anyone ask me how I wanted my life to end? -End. So, twisted enough for you? Seriously, though, I think Alfor needs more slash fics. I mean, think about it. If you were a ghost who could float through walls unseen and you haunted a castle with five delicious boys, wouldn't you take advantage of your siutation? |