Rants, Raves and Todesengel's Opinions
Time for me to shoot off my mouth. There are some fic references here. Why? Because I have a very large ego.
First, we have a rant on how I write. Because I think you want to know that sort of thing.
Followed up by three more writing rants: fic polishing, fic impetus, and sentance construction
The Bad Guy's Survival Guide. I think it's funny.
Lessons I've Learned from Voltron; Or Why Canon Is Violated More Often Than Keith
Evolution of Character. Because nothing stays the same.
A rant on smoking. Because I don't.
Warning, sense of humor required.
Pet Peeves; aka, things in fanfic that irk me.
The Fine Fine Line; or 'I'm squicked and I need to discuss'
Obscure Slash, my ode to Voltron