Willkommen Meine Freunde

The Fics

Gratuitous Egotism

More Gratuitous Egotism

Other Places

Rants, Raves, and Todesengel shooting off at the mouth

Fan Art Because I'm an art whore

Welcome to the new (slightly improved) version of Durcheinanderriech. Yes, I know that's a made up word. Anyway, as of right now, there's mostly Voltron fanfiction, but I hope to break down my writer's block soon and have new chapters up for my Ronin Warriors and Ranma 1/2 fics. Also, as a note, this site is best viewed in IE 5.x. *bangs head against wall* Netscape hates me. Although, theoretically, everything should work now. Send me an email if anything's broken.

5/23/05 - Yeah, it's been a while hasn't it. Anyway, there's a huge amount of new fics for y'all to peruse (unless you've been reading my LJ, in which case it's just the same old fics). Right. That's all.

4/9/04 - Whoa. More than one update a year? That's just crazy! Anyway, I have 12--that's right, 12--new Voltron fics, including some that not even the vying has seen. I also have a Lord of the Rings slash fic. I've got some art for you in the Gratuitous Egotism section and some rants in the Rants, Raves, etc section.

1/24/04 - And continuing in that grand tradition of one update a year, I give you new stories of the Voltron variety! As well as a little gratuitous egotism and a rant or two. Sad to say, real life was a lot more hectic last year than anticipated, my muse was on strike after I refused to write a vampire fic. *sigh* The things we do for inspiration. Here's hoping for a swift kick in the virtual tuckus.

Disclaimers: WEP owns the Voltron crew. Viz and Rumiko Takahashi own Ranma 1/2, Bandai owns the Ronin Warriors, Sanami Matoh and B-Boy own FAKE. Basically, I don't own any of these boys. I'm just playing with them.