The Wall O'Shame

Hi. I'm five.

No I'm not really five, but I sure as hell feel like it putting up this page. See, it's not actually so much a wall o'shame as it is a wall o' insinuation. Basically, this is a collection of pictures which I believe can be construed as sex-laden, or are just so incredibly lame that I have to comment on them. So, yeah. This is just self-amusement, basically. Snarky comments that I find amusing, but I bet nobody else does. I'm warning you now that this is the same sort of humor that goes into all of my spoofs.

Yes, I really am this juvenile in person.

Anybody else thinks this looks wrong? No?

Keith: Ignore him. He thinks Mechs are sexy.

Well, like lion, like pilot...But, seriously, doesn't he look like he's just waiting to be snuck up on and, erm, 'taken'? It's like he has a neon sign that says "ravsish me now!" above him.

Lance:...ravish me now?

Keith: "And with our powers combined, we form Captain Planet!"

As they stare soulfully into each other's eyes, Keith wonders if he remembered to bring the lube.

Lance, in a display of marvelous flexibility, comes incredibly close to achieving the goal of all men everywhere. Keith would say something derogatory about Todesengel's mind and its relationship to the sewer, but he's having problems with redirecting blood flow back up to his brain.

Keith: I'm sorry. Todesengel can't make any comments at this time as he is too busy drooling to type

Lance: Damn. You know, usually, I think the artists at WEP are on crack, but wow. Sometimes they still surprise me.

Keith: All right team, let's line up against this wall and assume surly expressions so that the audience can understand that even though we're the Good Guys, we're still tough and rebellious and cool!

Pidge: Keith, I think it's going to take more than a wall and a grimmace to make you cool. You're wearing white Go-Go boots and a tacky tracksuit for crying out loud!

Keith: Oh, and I'm sure the fringe on your shirt makes you the epitomie of cool

Lance: Damn WEP and their compliance with TV-Y7 ratings! When will Keith and I finally be allowed to declare our undying love for each other?

Obviously Lance doesn't like having his beuaty sleep disturbed for something as trivial as sex

Lance: Touch me again and you're pulling back a stub!

Anybody else curious as to what's going on behind Lance?

VF: All right! Free lube!

Keith: Damn it Lance! I thought you said you'd locked the door!

Lance: Ahh! Cooties!

Keith looks a little intent, dontch'a think? Perhaps it's because he doesn't want the rest of the team to know that he can pick up free porn on the lion vid screen!

Lotor: I belive you've misplaced something?

Keith: Damn it, Lotor, stop bringing her back! How many times do we have to tell you, we don't want her!

Keith: And, Lord, if it be in thy power, could you possibly make Lance a little more open to the whole bondage thing?

...Looks like Keith's prayers were answered.

Lance: Keith, your blind date is here.

Keith: Okay, Lance, remember. You and I are sweaty because we were just doing some hand-to-hand combat practice in this secluded cave and not because we were--

Lance:--having passionate weasel sex? Oh, yeah. Like anybody's going to believe that one.

Pidge: Keith and Lance are in the cave screwing again, aren't they.

Sven: Yup.

Pidge: *sighs* They're not fooling anyone, are they.

Sven: Nope.

Fashion Crisis.


Despite the fact that the castle is under attack, Pidge somehow manages to find the time to do his hair.

Pidge: Well, yeah. Priorities, Todesengel. It's all about the priorities.

Keith: Okay, think Keith, think! You're stranded on a hostile island with four other very handsome, competent guys. You've been thrown into a very large jail cell. What's the most logical rational you can present to get a massive orgy going?

Well, if the blazing sword fails, they can always fall back on the "buff the hell out of the mech and hope the resulting shine blinds your enemies so you can kick 'em in the nads and run like crazy" tactic.

Keith:...When will it end? Please, lord, make it end!

Want to know where I got the pics from? Visit my Links page!