Cowboy Diplomacy: Frequently (un)Asked Questions
Keith: See? This is what happens when you rush a fic through post-production and cut all the bits with the back-story; people get confused and ask questions. Ah, but you forget, my young padwan. I can always do an FAQ. Anyway, since Keith is a) the only one who survived the fic who's in the know and b) contractually obligated to be the spokesman of my insanity in instances such as these, I'm going to let him answer all of your questions. Q: What's up with the title? Keith: Todesengel's a nutjob who watches too much Star Trek. Apparently the title comes from a phrase Captain Picard used to describe Kirk and company's diplomatic methods. Yes, you may all now point and laugh at the sad little man. Q: Who killed Lotor? Keith: Why I did, of course. The bounty on his head was pitiful, but being a whore in the Old West is not exactly a high-paying job. Lotor: Pitiful? Pitiful?! I'll have you know I've destroyed planets for less than that! Keith: ... Looks like Todes isn't the only sad little man in these parts. Q: Why a western? Keith: Because Todes thinks that 'Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid' is one of the greatest films of all time. And he liked the idea of me as a whore waaaay too much to pass up on. Q: Who really shot everyone in the end? Keith: I did. There's a reason that everybody tells me I have 'the fastest hands West of the Mississippi.' Lance: That's the reason? I thought it was because-- Keith: Shut up now, or I'll shoot you. Again. Q: Okay, so, where'd Keith get the gun from? Keith: Folded Space (tm). What, you think only Heero can pull firearms from nowhere? (N.B. Folded Space (tm) is the spatial dimension of lost things, such as socks, keys, and the money that you owe from last night's poker game. Only the truly skilled can remove objects from Folded Space.) Q: No, really. Who shot everyone? Keith: Why is it so hard to believe that it was me? Q: Because you're a wuss who makes flowery speeches. Besides, the way the lead up was going, we all thought that Hunk would be the hero to ride off into the sunset. Keith: Well, yeah, that was how Todes had intended it to be. But then he got bored with that scenario and I agreed to re-negotiate the vampire clause in my contract. So he let me kill everyone. |