Drabble: Defined in fandom as a piece of fanfiction consisting of no more than 100 words.

Meme: A challenge or questionaire posted on a Livejournal.

Drabble Meme: A challenge to write a drabble based upon a request from a member of your f-list. See also: Muse abuse and 100 words? Not bloody likely.

As I'm sure you must have realized by now that I don't do short. I try, but I just can't quite get it. Which means that the majority of the 'drabbles' I wrote in response to both the challenge meme and the adapted new fandoms version (which I'm starting to call the "I'm going to expand my fandoms even if it kills my muse" meme) are not, technically speaking drabbles. But, as they're all ficlets that clock in at under 500 words, I'm not going to quibble too much -- writing a complete story in under 500 words is quite an accomplishment for me. So sit back, relax, and enjoy some short fiction by yours truly.

anime manga



CB, ed/jet gen
CB, spike/jet
FF8, varied
gatchman, joe
Hands Off!, young tatsuki
saiyuki, gojyo/hakkai
YST, seiji/ryu
voltron, sven/lotor
voltron, live slow
voltron, hunk/pidge

firefly, companions
M*A*S*H, trap/hawkeye
singin'in the rain, vaudeville
singin' in the rain, car trouble smallville, clex
ST:DS9, odo
ST:voyager, tom/harry
x-men, angel/beast

dark is rising, barney/bran
dark is rising, will
discworld, sybil
GO, crowly
GO, wings
harry potter, war
LoTR, legolas/gimli
swordspoint, richard's trainning

The Fics