A Bien Tot

So, these are the links that I like to frequent. Most are yaoi or slash. They're broken down into Voltron, Non-Voltron, and Oddities.

Voltron Links

Voltron Links

Taryn's Anime Obsession: The Voltron yaoi repository. Well, what are you waiting around for? Go check it out!

Kaie's page: Home of "Black as Love, Sweet as Death" and chibi-neko Keith.

Randi's page: Randi's fics. Great stuff and lots of it.

The Asylum: Spubba's fiction and a link to his site comicboys which was decidedly drool-worthy art.

Vying: The Voltron Yaoi mailing list. There's stuff here that's no where else. Join up and nag people to finish fics!

Voltron Image Gallery: A huge repository of Voltron images. This is the place that I snagged almost all of the Voltron images that are used on this page.

Zejan Voltron Lair: The other place I've snagged pictures from. Go check her out. She's a kickass artist. Totally Het, very Clean.

Voltrong Game Page: Very cute. There's lots of nifty games (and I wish I had a PC so I could play 'em), cute pictures, and Voltron adoptions.

to Voltron's Dorm Voltron's Dorm: Very cute Het. site. Incredibly silly and tons o' fun.

Other Fandoms

RRYaoi Archive: The archive for all the fics on the Ranma 1/2 yaoi mailing list.

The Slage Page Database: Basically, the biggest collection of slash links known to man. I'm listed. It's very cool.

Yaoi Hell: Huge online collection of yaoi doujinshi.

Mink's Ronin Yaoi Cakes: The place to go for Ronin Warrior yaoi.

The Very Secret Diaries: Parodies for Lord of the Rings. Far too amusing.

Five Minute Voyager: Voyager (and other fandom) episode recaps in five minutes. Laughed myself silly the first time I read these.


Sluggy Freelance: Worship the comic!

Kevin and Kell: Yet another comic to worship.

Foxtrot: I love this cartoon. And Bill Amend uses a Mac!

Latin Sayings

Chinese Poems

Poems from around the world

A Treatise Concerning Leg Wounds: Funny and informative treatise concerning the effect of leg wounds in dueling.

Webmonkey: This site taught me just about everything I know about style sheets and tables.

Elements of Style: And were I to ever get around to reading this I'm sure my writting would be much improved.

West Wing Slash: Okay, so, I love Aaron Sorkin, and I love the West Wing, and I, seriously, danced about the room like a fucking idiot when I learned that there was West Wing slash out there. Hot guys, stressful situations, fast, witty banter. What more could one ask for?